Replacing images

If you have a situation where your company logo has changed, for example, you don’t need to worry about editing every single form to replace this image.

In Formcentric, you can replace an image – or any other file used – across all of your forms with just a few clicks.

To find out more, read on:

  1. Click Media at the top of the screen.
  2. Find the image that you want to replace.
  3. Now either
    – click the context menu link under Actions
    – right-click the name of the file.
    A context menu appears.
    Click Edit.
  4. If the file is in use, a dialogue box appears listing all the forms in which it is included.
    Click Continue and edit.
  5. Click Replace image at the top of the window.
    A file browser window opens, showing files on your device.
  6. Select the file you want to use the replace the image and then click Open.
    In the Edit image dialog window, you can now see that the image has changed.
  7. To use this new image, click Save.

You have now replaced your image.