Editing a form

After you have created a new form, as described in the article Creating form, the form opens automatically in the Editor. You can then edit the form here.

In this article, we use an example to show you how to create a simple contact form.

Adding form elements

  1. In the Structure area, click the green plus sign. The editor is open. An arrow points to the green add symbol.
  2. The first field in this contact form will be the user’s first name.
    To add this field, select the form element Short text.
    The modal with the available form elements in the editor is open. An arrow points to the Short text form element.
  3. In the editing area, go to Label and enter First name.
    You can make other settings here, such as adding information to show next to the field. For more details, see the article Giving tips on how to fill out the form. The editor is open. The Short text form element is inserted in the form. In the editing area, an arrow points to the input field for the label in which First name is entered.
  4. Add another Short text form element and label it as Last name.
  5. Add the Email form element and label it accordingly. The editor is open. The Email address form element is being edited in the editing area. An arrow points to the input field for the label in which the e-mail address is entered.
  6. To let users enter the reason for their enquiry, add the Long text form element and label it with Your message. The editor is open. The Long text form element is being edited in the editing area. An arrow points to the input field for the caption in which your message is entered.
  7. To complete the form, we can now add a heading.
    In the form tree, click 1st page right at the top, so that the page properties are displayed in the editing area. The editor is open. An arrow points to the form page at the top of the form tree in the Structure area.
  8. Go to Label and enter Contact form.

The contact form is now created.

Setting up a confirmation message

When users fill out and submit the form, you want to display a confirmation message that refers to the form that they have just sent.

To do this, you switch to the Settings area for the form, where you then configure the confirmation message.

  1. Click Settings at the top of the screen. The editor is open. A contact form has been created. An arrow points to the Settings area at the top.
  2. In the Settings area on the left, click Confirmation message. The Settings area is open. 3 sub-areas are listed in the left-hand area. An arrow points to the Confirmation message area.
  3. Delete the default text and enter your own confirmation message. The Confirmation message area is open. A text is entered in the input field for the confirmation message. There is an orange frame on the input field to highlight it.

Your confirmation message is now set up and will be displayed when the form is submitted.

Please also read the article Setting up confirmation messages.


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