The Media area is the central media library for your images and files. You can upload anything you need to create and design your forms to this area.
Even before your start on your first form, you can upload important files, like your logo, so you have them all right where you need them. While you are creating your form, you can then access them directly, which will both accelerate and simplify your workflow.
Files that you upload while in the process of creating your forms or editing your designs are also stored in the media library.
If you are working as a part of a team, you can use the media library to share the files needed for the forms with your team colleagues.
You can create a folder system that works with your processes. You could create separate form folders for images that are only required in certain forms, for example.
The Media area is the central media library for your images and files. You can upload anything you need to create and design your forms to this area. The order in which you do this is not important. You can upload your files before creating your first form, so that you can access them immediately during form creation. Or you can upload them only when you create a form or are working on your designs. Whatever strategy you choose, you will always find your uploaded files in this area. As with the ‘ Forms ’ area, you can create a folder structure that suits the way you work. You can organise your files by your topics, teams or events, for example. Read on for an introduction to this important area.
In the Media area, you are likely to quickly amass a collection of files that you need for creating and designing your forms. A good structure is needed here to avoid losing track of your media. Read on to find out how to create new folders and subfolders.
At some point, you will probably want to change the name of a folder. There are various ways of doing this.
Whether you are creating forms by yourself or as part of the team, setting up a tidy and logical folder structure is always a good idea. In this way, you (and your team) always know where to look for a file. During this kind of work, you are likely to want to move a folder at some point. Read on to find out how to do this.
In the Media area, you are likely to quickly amass a collection of files that you need for creating and designing your forms. A good structure is needed here to avoid losing track of your media. Read on to find out how to create new folders and subfolders, as well as how to rename, move or delete folders.
As a general rule, you can upload any type of image – such as JPEGs or PNGs – to the media library. Read on to find out how to do this. Please note that the maximum file size is 2 MB. The amount of storage space available to you will depend on the plan you have purchased.
If you have stored a file in the wrong place or want to delete a folder – but not the file inside it – this isn’t a problem with Formcentric. You can move files and put them somewhere else, just as you need to. To find out more, read on:
You can delete a file that you no longer need. At first, the file is not deleted permanently but is moved to the recycle bin. If you later decide that you do want to keep your file, you can restore the file. To delete a file permanently, you can either delete it from the recycle bin or you can empty the recycle bin.