Providing PDF documents

Once you have successfully linked the PDF document with your form, you have two simple options for making the document available to your users: via the confirmation message or as an attachment in an email notification.

PDF in confirmation message
To make the PDF document available directly in the confirmation message after users submit the form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
    Click on Confirmation message on the left side.
  2. In the confirmation message text field, you will see the current text..
    Modify this text as needed.
  3. Place the cursor where you want the link to the PDF document to appear in the text field.
  4. Click on the PDF icon above the text field.
  5. Select the appropriate PDF document to link.
The PDF document will now be available for users to download directly from the confirmation message after form submission.

Sending PDF as an attachment to an email notification

You can also send the PDF document via email to make it available not only to your users but also to your team. This method is particularly useful for sharing the document with individuals who did not fill out the form themselves, as the confirmation message is only shown to the person who completed the form.

  1. Navigate to Settings.
    Click on Actions in the left menu.
  2. Click on New email notification.
    Set up the notification. For more details, refer to the article Setting up confirmation messages.
  3. Scroll down to the Attachment section.
  4. Activate the slider next to Attach PDF.
  5. Select the appropriate PDF document.
The PDF document will now be sent as an attachment in the emails to the specified recipients.