Customising the submissions view

If you find that the page is showing you more information than you need, you can easily
adjust the submissions overview to suit your preferences. For example, you can hide columns that you do not need. This lets you concentrate on the data that is most relevant for your work. You can also have the data displayed in a different order. Changing the column order lets you sort your data so you can view it more easily.

Read on to find out more.

Hiding columns

You can hide columns from the overview. This can be very useful for large forms in particular.

Screenshot of the Customise view dialog window.

To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Submissions overview, click Actions ➞ Customise view at the top right.
    The Customise view dialog window appears. All of the columns that can be shown in the overview are listed here. A checkbox (already checked) is provided for each of these columns. If the checkbox is checked, this means that the column is being shown in the overview.
  2. Uncheck the checkbox next to the column to hide the column from the overview.
    The green button at the bottom right shows how many columns are currently selected for viewing.
  3. To finish, click the green button Display X columns.

You have now adjusted the columns. Only the columns that you selected are now shown in the overview.

Changing the column order

You can change the column order.

Screenshot of the Customise view dialog window. An element is being moved by drag and drop.

Proceed as follows to change the column order.

  1. In the Submissions overview, click Actions ➞ Customise view at the top right.
    The Customise view dialog window appears.
  2. Select the column you want to move, and drag-and-drop it to the position you want.
  3. Repeat step 2 with other columns, as required.
  4. To finish, click the green button Display X columns.

You have now changed the column order.
