Step-by-step guide: creating an online form

Are you looking to create a form but unsure how to go about it? These step-by-step instructions are the perfect way to get started.

In this article, we guide you through the form creation process from start to finish. We show you how to create, edit and publish your form. We also show you where to find the link to share your form and then later view the responses you have received.

We have chosen a simple usage scenario to illustrate the overall process. You’re planning to give a presentation to your team about staying healthy. To help you plan your talk and ensure that people find the subject you pick interesting, you want to find out what kinds of health topics your team would most want to hear about. You’ve narrowed down the choice to three key topics: diet, stress and exercise.

Your team now has to pick one. The topic with the most votes will become the main topic for your presentation.

But let’s start right at the beginning.

Step 1: Creating a form

Complete the following steps to create your form:

  1. Click New form at the top right of the screen. The Forms area is shown. An arrow points to the button New form.
  2. Select Create form. The modal form Create form can be seen. An arrow points to the card Create form.
  3. Enter a name for the form and click Create form. The modal Create form with an input mask can be seen.

Step 2: Editing the form

Once you have created your form, it is shown automatically in the Editor. You can now edit it here.

  1. In the Structure area, click the green plus sign. The editor is visible. An arrow points to the green plus symbol.
  2. Select the Paragraph form element. The editor and the selection of form elements can be seen. An arrow points to the text paragraph form element.
  3. In the editing area, go to Text and enter a short piece of text that describes what this survey is about.
    You can use the icons shown above to format your text. Select the text that you want to format in some way and then click the appropriate icon to apply your chosen formatting, e.g. H1 for a first-level heading. The editor is visible. The Text paragraph form element is being edited. Text can be seen in the text field. An orange frame highlights this area.
  4. As described above, you are offering three topics to pick from. To do this, use a single choice field.
    Click the green plus sign and select Single choice. The editor and the selection of form elements are visible. An arrow 1 points to the green plus symbol, an arrow 2 points to the single selection form element.
  5. In the editing area, go to Label and enter the text that should be shown for the selection. The editor is visible. A single selection is edited in the editing area. An arrow points to the input field for the labelling.
  6. Now click the single choice on the left and then the green circled plus sign three times to add three options to the field. The editor can be seen in which a single selection is selected. An arrow points to the left in the form tree to the green plus sign next to the single selection
  7. Go through all three options one after the other: In the editing area, go to Label and enter the name for each topic. Repeat this entry for Value. The editor is visible. An option of a single selection is selected. An orange frame highlights the input fields for the label and value in the editing area.

Step 3: Setting up a confirmation message

When the form is submitted, a piece of text should be displayed relating to the form just sent.

Switch to the Settings area for the form to set up the confirmation message you need.

  1. Click Settings at the top of the screen. The editor is visible. An arrow points to Settings at the top of the navigation bar.
  2. In the Settings area, click Confirmation message. The Settings area is visible. On the left in the navigation, an arrow points to the Confirmation message item.
  3. Delete the default text shown and enter your own confirmation message. A confirmation message is displayed. The text input area is highlighted with an orange frame.
  4. Click Editor at the top of the screen to go back to the Editor. The Settings area is visible. An arrow points to Editor at the top of the navigation.

Step 4: Testing the form

Once back in the Editor, you can now test your form.

  1. In the form preview, click Test to see the form as it will be shown to your team.
    Make a selection, submit the form and check the confirmation message that is shown. The editor is visible. An arrow points to Test in the view.

Step 5: Publishing the form

As a final step, you can now publish the form.

  1. Click Publish at the top right. The editor is visible. An arrow points to the Publish button.

Step 6: Sharing the form

After publication, you can now share the form.

  1. Click Share at the top of the screen. The editor is visible. An arrow points to Share at the top of the navigation bar.
  2. Click Copy link to copy the link for sending to your team members. The Share area is displayed. An arrow points to the Copy link button.

Step 7: View your submissions

Once you have shared the form with the link, you can see the replies to your survey in the Forms area.

  1. In this example, we have already received five submissions.
    Click the number to view the submissions in more detail.
    The Forms section is visible. There is one form with 5 entries.
    This takes you to the Submissions area of your form, where you can view the replies that you have received for your survey. The Submissions area is shown.
