Flag form elements as required fields

You can flag any form element as a required field. To do so, simply check the Required field box in the editing area. In the form itself, the form element is marked with an asterisk (*), identifying it as a required field.

If users move to a different form page or try to submit the form without properly completing required fields, then they are shown an error message and cannot submit the form.

The default error message shown to users is ‘Please complete this field.

You can use Error message to enter a different piece of text that is displayed instead. You can tell your users what has gone wrong and give them specific instructions, such as ‘Please enter your email.’

Screenshot of the required field section in the editing area.

If you have form elements that are not required fields all the time, you can specify the conditions under which optional form elements then become required fields.

To find out more, please read the Conditions article.