Creating templates

If you find yourself creating one kind of form a lot, such as a registration form, you can save this as a template and use it as the default form for your new forms. With the template as your starting point, you don’t have to create a form from scratch every time you need one.

Creating a template

Follow these steps to create a template that you can use as the basis for your forms:

  1. Click Forms on the top menu bar.
  2. Click Templates on the left.
  3. Click New template at the top right.
    The Create template dialog window appears.
  4. Enter a Name for your template.
  5. In the Language drop-down list, pick the language in which your form should be created.
  6. Optional:
    You can also include a comment in the Comment field. This is only used internally and not shown to form users. This gives you a single point of storage for notes for form editors, for example, which are then always accessible.
    To view the comment, go to the template’s Settings: the comment is shown in the General section.
  7. To create your template, click Create template.
    The newly created template is opened in the Editor.
  8. Edit the template as required.
  9. When you have finished editing the template, you can then release the template. To do this, click Release at the top right.

You have now created a template that you can use for your new forms. To find out more, see Using templates.

Editing templates

You can edit your templates at any time and change them to meet new requirements. First, open the template.

  1. Click Forms on the top menu bar.
  2. Click Templates on the left.
  3. Look for the template you want to change and then open it. To open the template, click its name.
  4. Edit the template as required.
  5. When you have finished altering your template, you then release these new changes. To do this, click Release changes at the top right.

You have now changed your template.

Withdrawing templates

If you don’t want a template to be used any longer, you can withdraw it.

  1. Click Forms on the top menu bar.
  2. Click Templates on the left.
  3. Look for the template you want to withdraw.
  4. Now either
    click the context menu link under Actions
    right-click the template name.
    A context menu appears.
  5. Click Withdraw.

You have now withdrawn your template. This is no longer listed as a template.
