Parameters for data sources

When using our provided data sources, you can specify additional parameters. These parameters allow you, for example, to set the language in which the country names are displayed. Depending on the selected data source, different parameters are available to you.

In the article Using data sources and parameters, we demonstrate how to configure data sources with practical examples.

For the 'Country names' data source

With the Country names data source you can include country names automatically as options for selection elements in your form.

Specifying the region

Enter region as the key parameter and one of the values listed below as the value to narrow down the countries displayed.

Values for the region parameter:
Value Description
global All countries worldwide
emea Europe, Middle East and Africa
apac Asia-Pacific
australia Australasia
north-america North America
south-america South America
central-america Central America
asia Asia
africa Africa
oceania Oceania
europe Europe
eu Member States of the European Union
dach Austria, Germany and Switzerland
efta Member States of the European Free Trade Association
zip All countries whose postcodes (zip codes) can be validated by the postcode validator.

Specifying the language

The lang parameter allows you to specify the language in which country names are displayed.

Enter lang as the key parameter and one of the values listed below as the value to specify the language.

Values for the lang parameter:
Values Description
de German
en English
es Spanish
fr French
it Italian
ru Russian

Autocomplete in the Input field

With the chars parameter, you can enable autocomplete in the input field, displaying dynamic suggestions once users have entered a specified number of characters.

Set chars as the key and define the number of characters required for suggestions to appear. For instance, setting the value to 3 will show all countries that start with the first three letters entered.

For the 'Weekays' data source

The Weekdays data source generates a list of weekdays.

Specifying the first day

The weekdays data source generates a list of weekdays. The first parameter allows you to specify which day of the week appears first in the list.

Enter first as the key parameter and one of the values listed below as the value to specify the first day of the list.

Values for the first parameter:
Value Description
mon Monday
tue Tuesday
wed Wednesday
thu Thursday
fri Friday
sat Saturday
sun Sunday
