Single choice

Use the single choice form element when you want to offer users a set of options but you only want them to be able to choose one option.

If your users need to be able to select multiple options, then you should use the multiple options form field.

If you want, you can also add a note to your single choice field, so as to give users advice about selecting options, for example. You can also set one of the options that you are offering your users in this field to be the default option selected when the form is accessed. The form field can also be set as a required field.

You can specify all of these aspects individually according to your requirements.

A single choice form element is shown.

Adding Single choice

  1. In the Structure area, click the green plus sign.
  2. Navigate to General →Standard and click Single choice.
    You can now see the form element you’ve just added in the form tree.
  3. On the right, under Edit Single choice, you can now adjust the settings for your new form element as required.

Property Description
Label Enter the text of the label to be displayed next to the form field. By default, the label is shown above the single choice field.
Technical name
Each form element that is added to a form is automatically assigned a unique name – known as the ‘technical name’ – by Formcentric. This name is based on the designator for the form element.
Alternatively, you can generate the technical name from the label. To do this, click New from label. Find out more about the technical name.
Here you have the option of adding some text to your single choice field that gives users additional information, such as reminding them that they can select only one option from the field. By default, this text is shown directly underneath the label.
Select image This setting gives you the option of adding an image to be displayed next to this form element.
Preselection Here, you can specify that one option is preselected when the form is initially accessed. You can also select an option generated from a data source. Enter the value for the corresponding option here.

Let’s assume that you have added the Country names data source and you would like the option ‘Germany’ to be preselected. In the Country names data source, the values for the options match the country codes according to ISO 3166. Accordingly you enter DE here for Germany. If you want to select Portugal instead, you would enter PT accordingly.
Field width You use the field width to set the width at which the single choice field is shown in the form.
Display variant You can use this to add a CSS class from the website that you will be embedding the form into. The CSS class chosen here will be applied to the form element.
Alternatively, you can select one or more display variants to apply to the form element.
Required field Check Required field if an option must be selected from this form element when completing the form. An asterisk will then be added to the label for this single choice field, marking it as a required field. Users must complete this form element properly before they can submit the form or move to the next page (if this form element is part of a multi-page form).
Error message In this field, enter the text shown to users if they try to skip filling out this form field.
Submit Check Submit to redirect users to the next form page when they make a selection. If the single choice field is on the last page of the form, the form is submitted.
Data source Select a data source here that you want to link to and use for the options in your single choice field. The information provided by this data source will be accessed dynamically, i.e. at the exact moment that your users access the form.
Formcentric provides you with various default data sources, as Country names, Months, Years, and Weekdays.

You can enter additional parameters to the data source via Key and Value. The provided data sources do not require any parameters. Learn more about data sources here.

Adding options

Once you’ve added your single choice field to the form and defined its properties, you can then add individual options to the field. To do this, click the circled plus sign in the form tree directly next to the single choice field.

You define the properties for each option on the right.

It is shown how options can be added in the editor for a single selection.

Property Description
Label Enter the text for the label to be shown next to the option.
Value Enter a value for the option. Please note that this identifier must be unique. Make sure that you choose a value that lets you easily recognise the option that it refers to.

You will need this value if you want to link a condition to this option, for example. When creating a condition, you first select the form element where this option is stored. In the next step, you are then shown all of the values that are present in this form element and you will then need to pick your option from this list. To be able to identify the correct value from all the values shown, using an easily recognisable identifier is a wise idea.
Select image This setting gives you the option of adding an image to be displayed next to this option.
Preselected Check Preselected and the corresponding option is then selected initially when the form is loaded.